
Hydro Power Pvt ltd

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Hydro Power Pvt ltd
Title Date View / Download
Notification for Preliminary Survey of Land Tato-I HEP 16/12/2020 View (1 MB)
Notification for Preliminary Survey of Land Heo HEP 16/12/2020 View (1 MB)
Notification for Preliminary Survey of Land (Heo HEP)_DC_Shi-Yomi 02/12/2019 View (790 KB)
Notification for Preliminary Survey of Land (Tato-I HEP)_DC_Shi-Yomi 02/12/2019 View (795 KB)
Gazette Extraordinary Notification under Section 19(7) of RFCTLARR Act, 2013_(Tato-I HEP) 01/09/2020 View (1 MB)
Gazette Extraordinary Notification under Section 19(7)of RFCTLARR Act, 2013_ (Heo HEP) 01/09/2020 View (1 MB)
Notification under Section 19(7) of RFCTLARR Act, 2013 for Heo HEP in English & local language(Ramo) 05/10/2020 View (4 MB)
Notification under Section 19(7) of RFCTLARR Act, 2013 for Tato-I HEP in English & local language(Pai-Libo & Ramo) 05/10/2020 View (3 MB)